

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Worship/Bible Class

Giving Options

1. Online


2. Text message

TEXT to 850-721-1166

To donate by text, a donor simply:

  1. Text the amount they'd like to give to your text-to-give number (e.g. $50). Remember to include a space between your dollar amount and your keyword. If a user submits $50Missions, they will receive a "Sorry, not sure what you meant" error message. The proper format must be $50 Missions in order for the command to be received properly.
  2. If a person has donated by text before, they'll receive a text in response confirming that their gift has been received successfully and they're done.
  3. If it's the first time a person is donating by text, they'll be sent a message that says, "It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided). It will be a link to the church's online giving page. Clicking on the link they will be asked to supply their payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked with their phone number so that, in the future, all they will need to do is text in the amount. (They will not need to re-enter their payment information.)
  4. If the donor didn't specify a fund by keyword, donations will automatically go to the default fund in Breeze. Example giving by keyword: $50 missions Note: Donors can only give to one fund at a time.

For more information go to:

Giving by Text 



3. Mail us your gift

CrossWay Church

1698 Village Square Blvd
Tallahassee, FL 32309